V4der (with Pepijn Lanen & Brihang)
AB Café (Kursaal)
Pepijn Lanen is becoming more famous as a proud father than Faberyayo of De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig. Four years ago, with Vad3r, he wrote a disarming book about parenthood - the musician had three children at the time. Meanwhile, there are four, and Pepijn delves into the topic with his podcast V4der.
He doesn’t do that on his own, by the way. The list of Dutch celebrities with whom he changed diapers and provided sex education in the podcast is already quite long: Kraantje Pappie, Famke Louise, Herman Koch, Armin Van Buuren, etc. So it’s time to get a Belgian celebrity on board too, right? Like ... Brihang!
This talk is in Dutch. With the support of the Dutch Embassy.