From Blankenberge to Margate
De Blankenberge Tapes by Pascal van Hulst and Tom Hofland is among the most popular Dutch-language podcasts ever. The three-part fiction podcast was released in 2019, but like AudioCollectief SCHIK's Bob, it is still being discovered today. The tally now has more than a million listeners in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Because once you start listening to De Blankenberge Tapes, you get hooked in no time - you HAVE to know who is behind the murder of 27-year-old Hannah Rentmeester. It's fake documentary at its best and most thrilling (including voice work by Johan Heldenbergh and Nyncke Beekhuyzen, among others).
So, as in Hollywood, a remake was inevitable. Two remakes, in fact! In the coming months, both The Margate Murders and Norden Morder will be released - the British and German take on De Blankenberge Tapes, respectively. At the festival, Pascal van Hulst and producer Martin de Wind (Babylon Audio Collective) will talk at length about how they approached both remakes (including new locations, new characters, and a longer story).
This session is in Dutch. With the support of the Dutch Embassy.